Saturday, May 8, 2010

Two months today!!!

I'm sorry its been so long since I've updated.  I'm still feeling pretty good!  I get frustrated with how tired I get, and my head still hurts, but not near what it did.  I go back to the Dr on Thursday to hopefully get released to do more.  I have noticed things are gone, like I can't hear my heartbeat in my ear anymore... or what I thought was my heartbeat.  I got the swimmy head the other day for the first time in months, but its not been everyday like it was before.  One of these days I will put together a list of symptoms I had before and rate how they are now.  I'm still figuring out what is gone and what was a symptom before.  haha

I am uploading a couple pics now of my head,  the hair is growing back pretty well.  These were taken a couple weeks ago.  (I know sorry) I'll take some more current ones and post them later.  I've stopped trying to cover the scar.  When my hair down it makes my head itch more, even a ponytail hanging down pulls the new growth plus I'd rather people see the big scar than to just see the bad haircut.  yes I AM that vain! Thinking about getting a zipper pull tattooed at the bottom of the scar.  :)